On Thursday, June 20th 2019, the Project Coordinator Giuliano Casale from the Imperial College London presented the RADON framework and its envisioned research agenda, in the session “RADON: Rational Decomposition and Orchestration for Serverless Computing“, during the 13th Symposium and Summer School On Service-Oriented Computing (SummerSoc) in Crete, Greece.
During the session, renowned researchers and leading practitioners of cloud computing, microservice architecture, service orchestrations, service meshes, blockchains and data sciences, learned the latest developments applied in our project, regarding:
- How our DevOps framework will help the ISVs adopting serverless FaaS without vendor lock-in.
- The challenges on modelling for serverless FaaS, decomposition trade-offs & runtime operations and delivery.
Download the presentation slides. Check the RADON poster.