The RADON team presents the final version of the project’s technical architecture & integration plan

In the Deliverable D2.4 ‘Architecture and integration plan II’ , the RADON team presents the final version of the RADON technical architecture and integration plan. Within this deliverable the authors outline the functionalities of the RADON components that have been updated during the latest period of the project along with their interactions.

The RADON team furthermore concentrates on the final integration approach adopted to integrate the RADON components in the RADON IDE which is based on the Eclipse Che technology. In particular, as the authors pinpoint ‘the integration approach and plan has been refined taking into consideration the lessons learned during the development of the first (i.e. alpha) release of the RADON framework.’

Another aspect taken into account in this deliverable is the description of the CI/CD infrastructure adopted on RADON. Based on a Jenkins server, ‘the CI/CD infrastructure enables automated building and testing capabilities for the RADON integrated framework’.

Last but not least, the Deliverable D2.4 ‘Architecture and integration plan II’  highlights the set of testing activities performed during the latest period of the project to test the RADON framework, considering both the functional testing to verify the correctness of the expected functionalities in the individual components and the integration tests to verify the correctness of interaction between these components.

You can read the Deliverable D2.4 ‘Architecture and integration plan II’ here.